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Showing posts from November, 2020

Twenty three

I'm opening a little before my birthday. I used to hate people doing this I was like it's very dramatic why you doing stuff like this but here I am doing dramatic stuff. Before you read all of this blog/letter please don't read my previous blogs hehe it is my work years ago maybe you thinking "you can unpublished that" but I don't feel doing that but if you want to read it then go, just don't tell me haha thankyou. If you are my long-time friend of mine or classmate you know how impatient, and rude I am, I admit that I'm wrong but I never say sorry that's the main problem of mine. I know. So I'm thinking this for a long time, and my birth month is the best month to do this (I guess). I reflect and just want to say sorry for all I did to you. I don't know if I hurt you but who knows maybe I talk back to you and low key judge you. Did I cause trauma? Did I cause your anxiety? Did I disappoint you? I'm really sorry. I'm truly sorry. Wa