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Showing posts from 2016

Thrift Shop Finds

Thrift means being very careful about how much money you spend. The word thrift originally referred to fortune and has come to mean the act of being economical; a thrifty person, or someone who practices thrift, is likely to be fortunate in the sense that he has savings. At a thrift store, you will find inexpensive clothing. ( ) A thrift shop is a store that sells used goods and especially used clothes and that is often run by a charity (Merriam-Webster)  Last June 10, 2016, I go to a thrift shop to buy some awesome thrift stuff, I love thrift shopping! I used to buy thrift stuff when I was in fourth-year high school because of my mom I discovered that she's buying thrift stuff when one time she went home and she has this paper bag full of clothes from a thrift shop. 10 pcs of clothes for 100 pesos which mean 10 pesos each! Wow right?! it's super cheap (I'm so happy coz I'm so kuripot person lol haha). So

I'm Back

Yes after a couple of months I'm back. I'm so busy with school work, interview, research, and exams oh ems stress. So sorry I know no one cares and interested in my blog hahaha maybe? I don't know. I just wanted to share with you guys one of my best ootd's. You know guys the best outfit was worth to show to everyone hehe coz YOLO guys, us girls and even boys should have a mantra or a "note to me" for us to motivate to have an effort in our outfit   hehe like Coco Chanel said ‘every day is a fashion show and the world is the runaway’ so you go, girl! Just   mix match your outfits, it’s not what is the ‘in or what’s ‘trending’ now it's all about the style and how you carry it. Fashion fade, style is eternal –Yves Saint Laurent. My floppy hat was perfect for me cause I'm so lazy to open my umbrella haha Floppy hat: Surplus ph Top : from my beloved Danica :) Pants: Thrift store Shoes: The SM store Drawstring bag: Basicn